Sleep well tonight

Ready for some restful zzz’s?!

[updated 12/19/2018]

Do you lose sleep due to stress or anxiety?

Does lying awake at night interfere with your ability to function the next day?

The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep affects half of all people in the US.

Lack of adequate rest makes it difficult to focus the next day and may lead to health issues such as overeating and susceptibility to illness.

So, what can you do to overcome insomnia?

Rituals may train your mind to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Nighttime rituals help you to wind down, relax and get a better night’s sleep.

Following a routine helps your body and mind prepare for sleep and you’ll be more likely to wake up rejuvenated, well rested, and with more energy!

It’s worth taking time to take care of yourself and perform a night-time ritual to prepare for sleep.

Shut down electronics.

If you’ve been active on electronic devices or just finished a heavy meal, you may feel sleepy or drowsy, but when you get into bed, your mind and your body are not set up to relax.

It’s not realistic to think that we can shut our minds and bodies down like our computer. You can’t “tell” yourself to fall asleep.

Stress activates your nervous system.

When you are under stress, (which is pretty much hard to avoid, but is manageable), the sympathetic nervous system is activated.

The fight or flight mechanism that is in place for survival takes over the regulatory systems in our body when we’re stressed or anxious.

This state doesn’t contribute to the rest and relax mode (parasympathetic nervous system).

So, what can you do to turn down the fight or flight mechanism?

Taking time to unwind helps your body trust what’s happening. This is where a bed-time ritual comes in!

Your body will love you for it and will gently guide you into a restful slumber.

Start 2 hours before bedtime.

Make sure to avoid TV, computers, phones (at least 1-2 hours before bed).

Starting a couple of hours (yes, you’ll have to allow time) before bed, shut off your electronic devices including the television.

Avoid eating before bed.

Stay away from late night eating.  A heavy meal, or sugary snacks, and even alcohol interfere with restful sleep.

A rule of thumb is to eat a lighter evening meal at least 2 hours before bedtime.  You might need to clear out your cupboards and freezer of tempting treats.

Hint: Binge eating often occurs in the evening. Temptations can be avoided by removing the items from your kitchen stash.

Try one or two changes.

Implement a few of these ideas.  Select the ones that appeal to you. You won’t want to become stressed about your night-time rituals!

The main thing is to find what works for you and stick with it.

Give it at least a week.

Here’s some more suggestions to help you get a good night’s rest.

Preparing for Rest

Here are a few ideas to consider including in your bedtime ritual:

Herbal Tea

Instant relaxation. Make sure it’s caffeine-free.

Find your favorite flavor, sip, and enjoy. The warmth and aroma of herbal tea is great for helping your body relax and help you to fall asleep faster.

Soon your mind and body will come to associate these sensory experiences with sleep-time.

Change into Something More Comfortable

Slipping into some soft, non-restrictive pajamas can help your body feel more comfortable and lets the brain know it’s getting close to bedtime.

Stretch Out

Stretching helps discharge the trapped energy from your day’s stresses, alleviates sore muscles, and helps you avoid feeling achy in the morning.

To do: get down on the floor, stretch your whole body out, then hug your knees to your chest rocking back and forth.

Pay attention to your body, it will know what you need.

Listen to Calming Music

Setting your mind at ease is one of the most important tasks for winding down at night.

Listening to a soothing track will help you relax.

Room Temperature

Choosing a cooler room temperature in the bedroom may help you sleep better and wake up more energized.

Research has shown that 65 degrees is ideal, but play around until you find your perfect number!

In the winter, try bundling up in a blanket rather than putting on overly bulky pajamas.

It’s easier to remove the blanket later after you warm up, allowing your body to move more freely as you sleep.

Brush, Floss, & Scrape

Brushing and flossing your teeth gives you that squeaky clean feeling and provides good dental hygiene to protect your teeth.

Scraping your tongue removes bacteria that would be floating around in your mouth while you sleep. This is a healthy habit and establishes another trigger to induce sleep.

Try a toothpaste other than mint flavor that you might use in the morning as a sensory experience to train your mind and body.


Take just a few minutes (5 at most) to run through your day in fast forward.  Imagine you’re watching a video screen and, without attachment to emotion, just observe the events of your day.

This exercise releases pent-up energy and allows the brain to “file” away the events, leaving space for relaxation, sleep, and dreaming.


Practice writing a gratitude journal before bed, listing everything you are grateful for. Start with 5 things and work up from there.  This activity will help you focus on what is going right in your life and clear the negative thoughts from your awareness. A gratitude journal can set the tone for a good night’s sleep.

Hint: Keep the journal at your bedside to record any dreams you have.  Dreams give us insight into the unconscious mind.

Write Your To-Do List

If you’re fearful you’ll forget what’s on the agenda for tomorrow, jot down a few of the top things you need to get done.

Then let it go, knowing it will be available to you so you can carry on with the most important items.  This gets it out of your mind, creating space for rest and deep sleep.

Hint: This is also an effective productivity tool, helping you accomplish only the priorities that need (and can) be done the next day.


Take a few moments to affirm a positive intention or say your prayers.

Be mindful of the gifts and blessings in life, affirm your body and mind are safe to enjoy a restful and peaceful sleep.

Tell me in the comments below what you discover! I hope you create and follow-through with your nighttime ritual and that you get a good night’s sleep!

Here’s a free download of the tips mentioned above. You can print it out as a reminder to practice your bedtime ritual!
